EMDR Treatment for Kids in Edmonton, AB
Our psychologists have specialized training to use EMDR with children. This involves being able to explain EMDR to children and teens in ways that will make sense to them as well as integrating EMDR games and activities in therapy to capture their attention and harness the power of play and creativity in the therapy process.
What is EMDR?
Sometimes yucky or scary things happen to us. When yucky things happen to us we begin to have mixed-up thoughts and feelings. We even begin to feel yucky in our bodies.
This is our way of trying to tell the story of what happened to us. We have three different story tellers: the heart, the mind, and the body. They each try to talk to us in their own way.
Your EMDR helper will help your storytellers sort out the yucky stuff to make room for good feelings and thoughts. Our bodies can start to feel better too.

Our Storytellers

The Heart
Our heart storyteller talks to us in feelings and emotions.

The Mind
Our mind story teller talks to us in thoughts, images, and pictures in our mind.

The Body
Our body storyteller talks to us through our body sensations such as racing heart, butterflies, or sore tummy.
EMDR Games & Activities

EMDR Games & Activities

EMDR Helpers for Kids

Dr. Amanda Stillar
Amanda the helper loves helping kids to sort out the yucky and hard stuff that has happened to them so they can feel better in their hearts, minds, and bodies!

Heather Sinclair
Heather the helper is great at helping kids sort out yucky stuff! She plays games and uses art and toys to help kids sort out the yucky and scary things that have happened to them.
COVID-19 EMDR Resources

The Story of the Oyster and the Butterfly

My Coronavirus Helping Box EMDR Version
COVID-19 EMDR Resources

The Story of the Oyster and the Butterfly
Help children understand the Coronavirus
and COVID-19.
Free to Download.
My Coronavirus Helping Box EMDR Version
This book uses EMDR Therapy procedures and should be guided by a trained EMDR Professional